Monday, January 16, 2012


hello Students:

This blog will be for you to personally reflect on your experiences as you are thinking through your use of technology.  Your first required post will be one to introduce yourself.   Include a picture in order to give the rest of the class a better idea about who you are..

here is mine:

My name is Theresa Cullen and I have lived in Oklahoma now for a little over 5 years..   I just went up for tenure and am waiting to hear that it has made it through the entire process at the University.  I grew up in Kenosha Wisconsin and went to college at Northwest Missouri State University for my degree in Biology Teaching with minors in Chemistry and Physical Science.   I taught at Wellsville Middletown R-1 in rural Missouri and then returned to Northwest to get my MSEd in School Computer Studies..   I taught for two years there teaching using computers, and introduction to programming in C++, Java, and Visual Basic.  Then I got my PhD in Instructional Systems Technology with a minor in Science Education at Indiana University in Bloomington.

Favorite Places:  Bloomington, Indiana in fall.. (beautiful colors and amazing smell of fall)... I really loved Istanbul and would love to go back. I also hope to go to Europe in the next 3 years.
Hobbies: some jewelry making, working out at the Y.

1 comment:

DrTerri said...

Yes,, I went to high school at the same place of Miss America!