Monday, February 28, 2011

find a novel use for a new technology and share with the class

Go online and find a novel use of a new technology for the classroom.  A repurposing of an existing technology. ie.. some teachers use Twitter to send homework assignments to parents every day. What other general use technology might you repurpose for classroom use. 

(suggestion: go to and search for more.. there is a blog search) and search for a name of a technology and the word classroom..  Discuss if you think this is a good idea or come up with an idea of your own.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ferpa and Classroom Wikis

This recent post in another's blog discusses the issues of the Family Educational Rights Protection Act. Which protects students' privacy when it comes to academic records.  Read the article (and perhaps refer to the links on what is FERPA at the bottom) and develop a plan for having students share content in online format like blogs and wikis.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Too much?

We will not do a blog discussion this week because the Cyberbullying discussions were a little overwhelming.. Check back next week.